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Refunds & Cancellations 

These Terms and Conditions, together with Your Order or Subscription (as defined below) form set out the standard terms under which we will supply our products and/or services to You (“Terms and Conditions”). 


  •  (A)  Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully and ensure that You understand them before purchasing a Subscription. If You have any query about anything in these Terms and Conditions, please contact Us to discuss.

  •  (B)  All of the information that We give to You will be part of the terms of Our Contract with You as a Consumer whether it is information that We: 

    •  (i)  are required by law to give to You before You make an Order or request a Subscription; or

    •  (ii)  voluntarily give to You and You rely on it either when deciding to make an Order or request a Subscription or when, subsequently, You make any decision about the Services.

  •  (C)  These Terms and Conditions apply to the use of our Website.



11. Cancellation 

11.1  You may cancel Your Order or Subscription request within 14 days of placing it. If You have already made any payments to Us under Clause 5, the payment(s) will be refunded as soon as is reasonably possible, and in any event within 14 Calendar Days of Our acceptance of Your cancellation.

11.2  No refund will be issued for cancellations made under clause 11.1 where You have accessed Content. 

11.3  Cancellation requests should be made through Your membership Account via the Platform.

11.4  ACA reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee where cancelled after the 14-day period has passed under clause 11.1.

11.5  We may cancel Your Order or Your request for Subscription at any time before We begin providing the services due to the unavailability of required personnel or materials, or due to the occurrence of an event outside of Our reasonable control. If such cancellation is necessary, We will inform You as soon as is reasonably possible. If You have made any payments to Us under Clause 5, the payment(s) will be refunded as soon as is reasonably possible, and in any event within 14 Calendar Days of Us informing You of the cancellation. Cancellations will be confirmed in writing.

11.6  We reserve the right to cancel Your Order or Subscription and/ delete Your Account in the event You: 

11.6.1  breach these Terms and Conditions; or

11.6.2  Your conduct on Our Platform is deemed to contravene our core values and rules (This includes Your conduct on our social media Platforms);

11.6.3  You fail to make payment of the Fees.

11.7  In the case of a Subscription, You are free to cancel the Contract at any time and if cancelled, Your Access to the Content will end on Your next payment date.

11.8  In the case of an Order, unless cancelled in accordance with clause 11.1, no refund will be issued. 

11.9  You will not be required to give 30 days’ notice in these circumstances: 

11.9.1  We have breached the Contract in any material way and have failed to remedy that breach within 30 days of You asking Us to do so in writing; or

11.9.2  We enter into liquidation or have an administrator or receiver appointed over Our assets; or

11.9.3  We are unable to provide the services due to an event outside of Our control (as under sub-Clause 10.2.4); or

11.9.4  We change these Terms and Conditions to Your material disadvantage.

11.10  We may cancel Your Order before delivery under sub-Clause 10.2.5.


12. Communication and Contact Details 

12.1  If You wish to contact Us, You may do so by email at

12.2  In certain circumstances You must contact Us in writing When contacting Us in writing You may contact Us by email at


13. Complaints and Feedback 

13.1  We always welcome feedback from Our customers and, whilst We always use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that Your experience as a customer of Ours is a positive one, We nevertheless want to hear from You if You have any cause for complaint.

13.2  If You wish to complain about any aspect of Your dealings with Us, including, but not limited to, these Terms and Conditions, the Contract, the Privacy Policy, or the Services, please contact Us by email, addressed to Madhubanti Mukherjee,

13.3  All complaints will be responded to within 10 days of the date of receipt. If You are not satisfied with how we deal with Your complaint You may contact the Ombudsman Services, whose contact details can be found at


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